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Other Projects

Keyboard Navigation Enhancement

Switching between typing and navigating is time-consuming, since typing requires both hands to be on the keyboard, while navigating requires the right hand to be either on the arrow keys or the mouse. This is especially worse for laptop users.

To reduce the need of switching, I produced a series of scripts that allows the keyboard to be used as a mouse and a number pad. My work is hosted on GitHub here:

Productivity Enhancement Suite by Turibius Rozario .

Filament Dry Box

Image of my filament dry box DIY filament dry box containing lightweight PLA, PETG, TPU, and PLA+.

Since I print with PETG and sometimes with TPU, and since my room has a humidifier, I decided to create a DIY passive filament dry box, so that the filaments can be quickly changed.

This dry box was made using an 18L waterproof box with a PVC pipe as the spool holder. Nuts and bolts held the 3D printed pipe holder in place, and PTFE tube with coupler was used to reduce moisture going into the box. Silica gel packets were placed inside as a passive dryer.

Take Back Your Control: Android

If you use Android, it likely comes with bloatware --- pre-installed apps that you do not use nor need. Worse, there are applications running in the background that constantly degrade battery life --- in particular, almost all of Google services. Worst, the Android that you paid for will not be supported nor last as much as you may want it to.

In search for making my cellphone battery last longer hours, and the phone itself to last more years, I began the journey of 'De-Googling' my phone. This does not mean removing all Google components. To me, it means utilizing as little closed-source and power-hungry applications as possible, which apps made by big tech tend to be. My process was as follows:

  1. Switching to an open-source OS that does not contain bloatware and major Google backends by default.
  2. Utilizing open-source or minimal applications.
  3. Regaining ability to use Google applications.
Here is a comparison of some of the major open-source OS that does not have tracking, and is Google free. If you use a Pixel device, it is best to use GrapheneOS. Otherwise, \/e\/ is an option that is ready to use upon installations. I personally use LineageOS for MicroG since it allows me to utilize some required Google Apps.

The very first installation is expected to be the hardest. The process should be the same regardless of what Android you use:

  1. Backup all files: the easiest method is to directly connect your phone to your computer, and copy all files that you have. I additionally recommend going to each app and exporting any configurations that you may have (e.g. contacts, text messages, authenticator codes, etc.). I also recommend having a list of a list of apps you realistically use so that you can re-download them later.
  2. Unlocking the bootloader: There are several existing online tutorials for unlocking the bootloader. Here is an example; despite being over 6 years old, the methodology is applicable today. You can use the developer's page to download platform tools which will be needed as you follow along any bootloader unlock video.
  3. Once unlocked, you can follow your specific device's instructions on how to install LineageOS . However, if you want LineageOS for MicroG, which allows better 'De-Googling' while still being able to use Google applications, you should use the image file (.iso file) from MicroG's website instead of Lineage's .iso file. You will not have to install any additional files using this method.
  4. After completing the reboot, check out F-Droid and all the interesting things LineageOS for MicroG comes with! You will find many better and ad-free alternatives to certain applications you used to use. Or you can use your backup to regain all your past files and re-download your past apps through Aurora Store (which can be downloaded through F-Droid).
It is possible to go even further and root your phone with Magisk which allows even greater customization such as significantly improved camera quality, access to call recording, and controlling how much your phone charges (e.g., to increase longevity of your battery).

In terms of alternative applications, here are a couple that I enjoy:

Useful Desktop Applications

Speaking of useful applications, here are some applications that I have grown fond of over the years.

Cross-Platform Applications

Windows-Only Applications

This page was last updated on July 2, 2024.